My rates

My rates are tied directly to the level of editing your manuscript will require. Upon completing a sample edit and briefly reviewing the manuscript, I will give you a project cost estimate based upon the amount of time I anticipate that the edit will take. Once we agree on the project’s overall cost, I will draw up a contract for the edit.

Some texts require only proofreading or light editing, with only the occasional query to resolve. Others may require a more muscular edit and exchanges with the author using the Comment function in Word to resolve issues or clear up passages that were ambiguous or unclear. If I need to suggest substantive changes in some passages, I will ask you to sign off on those changes or amend them further. In the case of texts that require heavier edits or revision, I will probably need to do a final “cleanup” or “scrub” of the text after you have responded to my queries (indicating where you have objections to my edits or alternatives to my suggestions, and specifying any further changes). I generally offer a free cleanup if it takes me a half hour or less, but for anything over that, I will charge my normal hourly rate. Clearly flagging, marking, or tracking any changes you make to the edited text at this point will help to keep costs down during this final stage of the edit.

I am always willing to work with authors to balance their editing needs with the budgetary limitations they might have. Here are the (generally) going rates and estimated time required for various levels of editing. The chart below is taken from the website of the Editorial Freelancers Association, of which I am a member.


Type of Work Estimated Pace Range of Fees
Editing, basic copyediting 5-10 ms pgs/hr $30-40/hr
Editing, heavy copyediting 2–5 ms pgs/hr $40–50/hr
Editing, developmental 1–5 pgs/hr $45–55/hr
Editing, substantive or line 1–6 ms pgs/hr $40–60/hr

Payment: Once we have reached an agreement and signed a contract that covers the cost and scope of the assignment, the deadline by which you will receive the completed edit from me, and the manner of payment, I will e-mail you a PayPal invoice. You can follow the link in the e-mail to pay through PayPal (at no extra charge to you). I ask for a portion of the final payment in advance, with the balance to be paid upon receipt of the completed assignment.